About MSR Dev

Dr. MSR Dev

  • Founder & Executive Chairman – Better World Foundation – Better World Forum - BWF
  • Founder & President - Think Global International - TGI.
  • Executive Chairman - Knowledge Partners International - KPi.
  • Chief Patron – Global Institute of Integral Management Studies – GIIMS.
  • Chairman – Academic Council, Vidya Bharathi Group of Institutions.
  • Chairman – Atlanta IT Solutions.

M S R Dev is a graduate (1966) in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal, India, and a Post Graduate (1968) in Aeronautical Engineering of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc.), Bangalore. He possess an MBA (1990) and doctorate (PhD. 1992) in Business Administration from Newport University, California. He is a Fellow of the Aeronautical Society of India, Institution of Engineers India, and Institute of Marketing and Management India. He took active interest in Professional Associations / Forums and undertook key roles and responsibilities such as, Past President of Aeronautical Society of India, Trivandrum (89 – 90); Chairman, Society of R&D Managers, India (1992); Advisor, Trivandrum Management Association; Advisor, National Institute of Quality and Reliability, India; Life Member, Indian Astronautical Society and Member of Indian Society for Training and Development and at present planning to organize Chief Executive Forum, CEF International.

He has rich experience of 30 years (1968 to 1997) in Public Sector, India – Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) (during the pioneering phase of ISRO) and took top roles and responsibilities such as, Project Manager and Launch Vehicle Director (D1 of SLV 3, Country's first Satellite Launch Vehicle); Project Director, ASLV (Country's 2nd generation Launch Vehicle); Chairman, ASLV Project Management Board; Mission Director, ASLV developmental launches (D1, D2 and D3); Chairman, Product Assurance Board of PSLV and GSLV – (Country's current launch vehicles); and Director, Systems Reliability Group, Vikram Sarabhai Space Center. After voluntarily retiring from ISRO he took active interest in Private sector and entrepreneurship in developing companies and educational institutions for the last 20 years (1998 – 2018). He held top responsibilities such as, Executive Director, Travancore Institute of Science and Technology, Trivandrum (India); President, Think Global Associates (Consultancy and Training); Chief Consultant and Director, Falcon Infrastructures Limited (Logistics Company); Director and Executive Chairman of Vidya Bharathi Group of Institutions (Accountancy and Finance, Commerce and Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management); Chief Patron, Global Institute of Integral Management Studies (GIIMS), Chairman – Atlanta IT Solutions (IT Company) and served in various governing bodies as member – Board of Directors, Big Pond Technologies, USA; Academic Council – Gulf Medical College, Ajman, UAE, Hon. Director Project Management Institute, Tasmania, Australia.

He has logged rich International experience / exposure during the last few decades such as, leader of delegation of engineers, ISRO, to France and French Guyana (South America), leader of delegation of procurement negotiation team for ASLV that visited Europe and USA, leader of delegation that visited Moscow for discussion with Russian Space Organization, leader of delegation that visited Tokyo to discuss with Japanese Space Organization, as delegate to World Space Congress, Washington. Visited Middle East countries in connection with the development of Logistics Company – Falcon Infrastructures. Visited Australia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, Bangladesh and London in connection with the development of educational courses associated with Vidya Bharathi Group of Educational Institutions, Cochin. He was invited as delegate / speaker for International Space Conference held in Abu Dhabi and Future Education Conference organized by World University Consortium in Rome.

He took active interest in organizing many national and international conferences / summits as organizing chairman, keynote speaker, session chair, etc.. He showed special interest in social service and serving Rotary International – Rotary Club of Trivandrum North as Charter member (since 1972) and as Past President. He was founder chairman DISA (Integrated socio-economic foundation – 2007) and at present he is the founder and managing trustee of Better World Foundation (BWF), and Founder and President of Think Global International.

He was awarded a number of national and international honours and citations in the past, such as, Management Leadership Award of Trivandrum Management Association; Distinguished Alumni Award of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Dr.Biren Roy National Space Award of Aeronautical Society of India; For the Sake of Honour award of the Rotary International – Rotary Club of Trivandrum North and South; FiE National award for outstanding contribution in science and technology; Management Excellence award for outstanding contribution to Management profession by Calicut Management Association, India.

He is passionate about writing a number of Socio-Economic / Business Management books as Global Author in the coming future. Have already written the following books for publication:

  1. 'The Dubai Way' – From Desert Land to Dream Land in 50 years (Lessons to learn in Management)
  2. Mission 21 – Building a Better World (From World Economic Forum to Better World Forum)
  3. Mission 21 – Building a Happy World (From Happy Self to Happy World – In Pursuit of Establishing Happiness Institutes Worldwide.)
  4. In Search of Integral Freedom.

At present he is visualizing the development of International venture – 'Think Global International' with a mission for sharing expertise, experience and exposure so far accumulated in the field of Corporate Development, Project Management, Educational Institutional Development, Corporate Education, Training and Consultancy, Global Education for 21st Century (Integral MBA for 21st Century) and Knowledge Sharing in specific domains as Global Speaker. Plans are ahead to undertake Global Lecture Tours (GLT) to Business Schools, International Schools and Global Corporations, Rotary Clubs and Chambers of Commerce in different regions of the world.