About MSR Dev

Background Knowledge, Experience and Exposure of the

Founder (MSR Dev) (Think Global International - TGI) to undertake and coordinate the TGI Missions.

1. Educational World Mission (EWM)

A. VidyaBharati Group of Institutions (VB), Cochin, India

Role and responsibilities: - (MSR)

  • Cofounder and Executive Chairman (former)
  • Chairman Academic Council (at present)
  • Mentor…. Facilitator – Faculty

Educational Programs focus

  • Accounting and Finance (ACCA, CIMA,…..)
  • Business Administration (MBA (Logistics, Banking and Finance)….)
  • Commerce and Hospitality Management (B.com,….)

Achievement / Outcome: -

  • Emerged as the top institute in the country (INDIA) in the domain of Accounting and Finance Education (ACCA).

Future Mission: -

  • Visualizing the education and training of the courses – industry 4.0(Future Manufacturing)

Refer Website: - www.vidya.ac.in

B. Global Institute of Integral Management Studies (GIIMS)-Cochin, India:-

Role and Responsibilities: - (MSR)

  • Chief patron
  • Mentor…. Facilitator – Faculty

Educational Programs Focus: -

  • Management/Business administration (Diploma, post graduate diploma, MBA….in logistics and supply chain management)

Achievement/Outcome: -

  • Emerged as the top institution in the country (INDIA) in the domain of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Future Mission: -

  • To develop the Institute as one of the top centers of excellence in the country in the domain of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
  • Visualizing to organize a national / international professional forum for Logistics and Supply Chain Management and organizing annual international conferences.

Refer Website: - www.giims.in

C. Global Space Academies (Planned International locations): -

Role and Responsibilities: - (MSR)

  • International Consultant

Educational Programs focus: -

  • Graduate/Post graduate educational courses on space science/technology/application

Achievement/ Outcome: -

  • A MOUsigned with the Vice Chancellor of UAE university, Al Ain, UAE on the establishment of an International Space Academy as part of UAE University

Future Mission: -

  • It is visualized to establish number of International Space Academies(ISA) as required by the local authorities in different parts of the world and promote space education, training and consultancy.

Refer website: - www.kpifoundation.org


D. Institute of Project Management (Tasmania / Sydney, Australia): -

Role and Responsibilities (MSR): -

  • Hon. Director

Educational Programs focus: -

  • Diploma in project management
  • Certified project manager

Achievement/Outcome: -

  • Emerged as one of the top institution in Australia that provide online education (Diploma… certified project manager)

Future Mission: -

  • It is planned to deliver training/seminars and consultancy in the domain of project management locally and globally.

Refer website: - www.ipm.edu.au

E. World Association of Arts and Science (WAAS)/World University Consortium (WUC) Global Conferences: -

Role and Responsibilities: -(MSR)

  • Invitee/Fellow
  • International conference delegate/speaker/panelist

Educational Programs Focus: -

  • International conferences/seminars worldwide on global education

Achievement/Outcome: -

  • Writing a book on "Future of Global Education" – iEd 21(Integral Education for the 21st century)

Future Mission: -

  • It is visualized to establish Global Enrichment Centers (GEC) in selected host universities/educational campuses worldwide which will facilitate to impart knowledge on unique subjects of contemporary interest for the students such as "Pursuit of Happiness''/"Understanding Spirituality"/"Learning Systems and Teaching methods for 21st Century''/"understanding Industry 4.0/Logistics 4.0……

Refer website: - www.wunico.org, www.worldacademy.org

2. Corporate World Mission (CWM)

A. Corporate Guru International– (Global Corporate Education, Training and Consultancy)

Role and Responsibilities: -

  • Founder & Lead Trainer and Consultant

Training Programs/Seminars such as: -

  • IMS 21 – Integral management seminar for 21st century
  • IL 21 – Integral Leadership for 21st century
  • IPM 21 – Integral Project/Product Management for 21st century
  • IDOTS 21 – Integral Development Of Thy Self for 21st century
  • IL&SCM 21 – integral Logistics and Supply Chain Management for 21st century
  • I Mark 21 – Integral Marketing for 21st century
  • IGxT21 – Integral Global Executive training for 21st century
  • IWU21 – Integral World Understanding for 21st century
  • DBi – Doing Business (Trade/Commerce) internationally
  • CCMi – Cross Cultural Management international
  • Industry 4.0 – Managing Industries (4thIndustrial Revolution)
  • Logistics 4.0 – Managing Logistics (4th Logistics Revolution)

Achievement/Outcome: -

  • Organized a number of management education and training programs in the past and developed a community of corporate professionals.
  • As Chief Consultant, Falcon Group, supported the establishment of the first container terminal in private sector (in Cochin) in the state of Kerala, India
  • Authoring a book on 'iMBA21'(integral MBA for 21stcentury for the benefit of Business Schools Worldwide.

Future Mission: -

  • It is visualized to design and deliver innovative/unique management training programs/seminars under the caption TGS 21 (Think Global Seminars for 21st Century) on 21 selected topics such as: -
  1. iL 21 (Integral Leadership for 21st Century)
  2. i MBA 21 (Integral Master of Business Administration for 21st Century)
  3. i Ed 21 (Integral Education for 21st Century)
  4. i DOTS 21 (Integral Development Of Thy Self for 21st Century)
  5. i Com 21 (Integral Communication Skills for 21st Century (including Cross Cultural Communication, Non Verbal Communication, etc.))
  6. i Tech 21 (Integral Technologies for 21st Century (includes industry 4.0…. logistics 4.0))
  7. I Mark 21 (Integral Marketing for 21st Century (includes digital marketing, etc.))
  8. i V 21 (Integral Values/Ethics for 21st Century)
  9. BABY – Building a Better You (Personally, Professionally and Socially)
  10. Gx 21/NMx 21 (Global Executive/New Millennium Executive for 21st Century)
  11. CEF International (Chief Executive Forum International)
  12. BW 21 (Better World for 21st Century)
  13. UW 21 (United World for 21st Century)
  14. SW 21 (Spiritual World for 21st Century)
  15. CW 21 (Cultural World for 21st Century)
  16. TW 21 (Technology World for 21st Century)
  17. EW 21 ((Economic World for 21st Century)
  18. GW 21 (Green world for 21st Century)
  19. PW 21 (Peaceful World for 21st century)
  20. DW 21 (Digital World for 21st Century)
  21. FW21 (Future World for 21st Century (includes Future Trends)

Refer Website: - www.corporateguru.net

3. Better World Mission (BWM)

A. Better World Foundation / Better World Forum

Role and Responsibilities: -(MSR)

  • Managing Trustee – BW (Better World) Foundation'
  • Founder and Executive Chairman - BWF (Better World Forum)

Better World Foundation Objectives: -

  • Better World Forum (BWF) with the following constituent Forums
  1. United World Forum (UWF)
  2. Spiritual World Forum (SWF)
  3. Peaceful World Forum (PWF)
  4. Green World Forum (GWF)
  5. Technology (Smart/Scientific) World Forum (TWF)
  6. Cultural World Forum (CWF)
  7. Economic (Prosperous) World Forum (EWF)
  • Better World Academies (BWA) – Education and training campuses
  • Better World International (BWI) –Social Clubs
  • Better World 500 – Corporations
  • Better World Cities (BWC)
  • Better World Seminars/Conferences (BWS)
  • Philanthropic World Forum (PhWF)
  • Women's World Forum (WWF)
  • Youth World Forum

Achievement/ Outcome: -

  • Designed and launched the website…… BWfoundation.org
  • Authored a book 'Mission 21…… Building a Better World'
  • Carried out the ground work to establish the Better World Forum (From World Economic Forum and World Social Forum to Better World Forum)

Future Mission: -

  • Visualizing to organize the first international convention of Better World Forum before 2021
  • To bring out a Directory of envisaged Better World Transformative Projects
  • To bring out a Directory of Philanthropic project ideas/project reports for the contemporary era.
  • To bring out a project report on 'Better Kerala', Better India…. (towards strategic and smart development.

Refer Website: - www.bwfoundation.org

B. Social Clubs – Rotary International

Role and Responsibilities: - (MSR)

  • Charter Member (Since 1972 to till date) – Rotary Club of Trivandrum North, India.
  • Past President of the club
  • Paul Harris Fellow
  • William Alexander Fellow (Y's Men International)

Achievement/Outcome: -

  • Organized and led many Philanthropic projects in the avenue of Community service, Vocational service, international service, Women and Youth service….

Future Mission: -

  • Conceptualizing innovative philanthropic missions.
  • Establishing Merit cum Means(MCM) scholarships for deserving students within the club's territory.
  • Planned Global Lecture Tour to Rotary Clubs around the world

Refer website: - www.rctnorth.org

4. Futuristic / Technology World Mission

Space Mission

A. Vikram Sarabhai Space Center (VSSC)/Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

(From year 1968 to 1997 – 30 years)(Joined during pioneering Time (1960s)

Role and Responsibilities: - (MSR)

  • Scientist – Aerodynamics Division, VSSC
  • Project Manager – Satellite Launch Vehicle project, SLV3 (India's First generation Satellite launch Vehicle Project)
  • Launch Vehicle Director – First developmental Launch, SLV3-D1
  • Project Director – Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle Project, ASLV (India's Second generation Satellite launch Vehicle Project)
  • Mission Director – First 3 developmental launches of ASLV – ASLV D1, ASLV D2 and ASLV D3
  • Chairman, ASLV Project Management Board, ISRO
  • Director, Systems Reliability group,VSSC.
  • Chairman, Product Assurance Board, PSLV and GSLV, ISRO (Current operational Launch Vehicles)


  • Played a major role in placing the country (INDIA) in the Space map of the World

Future Mission: -

  • Planning to write books on the following subjects: -
  1. In pursuit of Asian Regional Space Agency (ARSA)
  2. Towards 'International Space Agency' (INSA)
  3. From Aero plane to Aero Space plane

Refer Website: - www.isro.gov.in/launchers


B. KPI – Knowledge Partners International – KPI Foundation

Role and Responsibilities: - (MSR)

  • Executive Chairman
  • International consultant

Focus on: -

  • Aero Space Project Planning and Development Support
  • Logistics/Infrastructure and manpower planning
  • Project Management (Aero Space Projects)

Achievement/Outcome: -

  • Draft project proposals prepared for Middle East Region such as: -
  1. International Space City
  2. Space Academy
  3. Space Community Center
  • MOU signed with vice chancellor on establishment of Space Academy in UAE university, Al Ain, UAE

Future Missions: -

  • To plan and establish integral Space Cities, Space Academies and Space Community Centers in diverse locations of the world as needed.

Refer Website: - www.kpifoundation.org

Digital Mission

A. ATLANTA IT Solutions

Role and Responsibilities: - (MSR)

  • Chairman
  • Mentor and Adviser

Focus on…. Software development projects: -

  • Software Development
  • Product Development
  • Project Development
  • Multimedia solutions
  • Mobile application development

Achievement / Outcome: -

  • ERP for Medium and Small industries
  • atACC The complete accounting and inventory package
  • Software distributed to 25 global sites and is being used by 5000 Clients worldwide

Future Mission: -

  • To emerge as country's top most Cost Effective corporate management software developing company.

Refer Website: - www.atlanta-it.com

B. ZYXWARE Technologies

Role and Responsibilities: -(MSR)

  • Advisor and Mentor

Focus On: -

  • Drupal Product Development, Support and Solutions

Outcome: -

  • Emerged as the largest and cost effective exclusive Drupal solution providers in the country, India

Future Mission: -

  • To expand the company to next level and establish associate offices worldwide (Australia, Europe, America…)

Refer Website: - www.zyxware.com

5. Global Understanding Mission (GUM)


A. Global Travel

Role and Responsibilities: -(MSR)

  • Video Photographer / Traveller
  • Travel Columnist

Focus On: -

  • Preparing articles and books on traveling to different countries
  • Creating a set of travel videos – 'Sanchari' international

Outcome: -

  • Written number of articles on travel and tours.
  • Created a set of travel videos(Sanchari) for more than 30 countries

Future Mission: -

  • To organize 'World Understanding Seminars' (people, places, culture, etc...) globally (for campuses, corporations and social clubs)
  • To conceptualize and associate with a travel TV channel…..Sanchari TV Channel.