Lecture Talk

I. GA 21 - 21 Global Agendas for 21st century

(21 Topics for Global Lecture Tour)

1. Better World Mission

  • Building a Better World ---- from Building a Better You --- to Building a Better Community --- to Building a Better City --- to Building a Better Country ---- to Building a Better Region / Continent --- to Building a Better World.
  • Building a Better World Forum with 7 constituent Forums, such as, ---- United World Forum, Peace World Forum, Prosperous World Forum, Cultural World Forum, Technological / Smart World Forum, Green / Sustainable World Forum, Spiritual / Divinity World Forum.

2. United World Mission

  • From UNO to UWO – Unity in Diversity Mission.
  • Realizing UWO with 6 constituent Regional unions, such as, Asian Union, European Union, Arab Union, African Union, Oceanic / Pacific Union, and American Union

3. Divinity World Mission

  • Towards grand transformation from Religion to Spirituality.
  • From Knowledge Society to Wisdom Society.
  • Understanding Wisdom from Ancient Scriptures.
  • Mindful Management and the Magic of Meditation

4. Global Peace Mission

  • Reach out ---- WWW – World Without War
  • Realize ---- NFW – Nuclear Free World
  • From ---- Muscle Power to Mind Power… Mind Matters
  • From Strategic Defence Initiatives (SDI) to Strategic Development Initiatives (SDI)…..From Star Wars to Star Peace

5. BABY (Building A Better You) World Mission

  • Development Of Thy Self(dots) program
  • From Better Self to Better World

6. Global Cultural Mission

  • Festival of World (FOW) Mission ….. Fusion Music / Fusion Dance
  • Global Gallery of Art and Heritage
  • Universal Language / English Learning Centers for Global Communication
  • Understanding ---- Cross Cultural Communication.

7. Global Happiness Mission

  • From Happy Self to Happy World
  • Planning and establishing Happiness Institutes

8. Global Literacy Mission

  • Better World Libraries / Community Centers/Language Labs
  • Global Publication Mission ….. Better World Publications
  • World Understanding Video Library.

9. Global Travel Mission

  • Rediscovery of World', … TV Programmes
  • Newspaper Travel columns
  • 'Sanchari' TV / videos

10. Campus Guru (International) Mission

  • Global Enrichment Centers (GEC) – (in educational institutions)
  • International Summer / Winter Schools
  • Educational Webinars and Seminars.

11. Corporate Guru (International) Mission

  • Global Seminars…..Global Webinars (Corporate education and Training)
  • GCEF (Global Chief Executive Forum), Annual Conventions…..
  • LMI – Logistics Management Institutes …… Leadership Development Institute (LDI).

12. Green Tech Mission

  • Self Sustainable Homes
  • Domed Desert Cities …. Solar Cities
  • Solar Desalination / Drinking Water Mission
  • Waste 2 Wealth (W2W) Mission
  • Sustainable Tech / Green Technologies Mission

13. Global Food Mission

  • Terrace gardens
  • Vertical farming
  • Agri Co-operatives
  • GM Food (Genetically modified)
  • Food packaging …… Food for all missions
  • Desert Dome farming …… Challenge of food security.

14. Global Housing Mission

  • Housing for all Mission
  • Pre fabricated homes …. Assembly at site housing.

15. Smart World Mission

  • Creative Scientific / Technology Applications
  • Focus --- Info Tech (IT), Biotech (BT), Nano Tech (NT), Integral tech (IT) ….. Space Tech (ST) …... Agri/Food Tech (AT) ….. Energy Tech (ET)…...Housing Technology (HoT), Health care Technologies (HeT). …. Smart Technology(Smt)
  • Focus on Digital Technology (DT) Mission ….. Future Trends / technology Missions ….. Tomorrows World Mission
  • Promote --- Space Cities ….. Space Academies ….. Knowledge Partnership / Technology Transfer Mission …. Space Community Centers ….. Space World / Theme Parks ….. Inter National Space Agency (INSA) Mission.

16. Economic World Mission

  • Global Prosperity Mission
  • Desert greening Mission
  • Coastal Development Mission
  • Multinational Resource Ventures (4R) Missions
  • Micro Finance Mission
  • Cooperative Development Mission
  • Talent Pool/HR Bank
  • Home Industries
  • Education and Economic Mobility Mission
  • Global Startup Mission.

17. Gender Equality Mission

  • Freedom of Women & Gender Equality
  • Education, Engagement, Employment, Entrepreneurship and Empowerment of women.

18. Global Youth Mission

  • Youth … Education, Employment, Engagement, Enterprises / Entrepreneurship, Enrichment and Enlightenment.

19. Global Philanthropic Mission

  • Promoting "Art of Giving"
  • Entrepreneurship Development Centers
  • Social Entrepreneur Development Mission.
  • Directory of Philanthropic Projects and Prioritization
  • Annual Philanthropic congress / Convention.

20. Global Wellness / Welfare Mission

  • Global Retreats / Wellness Centers
  • Global Clinics ….. Diet and Diagnostic Centers (DDC)
  • Alternate Medicine Mission ….. Ayurveda – Yoga – Unani – Sidha - Homeopathy (AYUSH)
  • Home Remedies / Naturopathy Mission
  • Global Yoga and Meditation Centers.

21. Healthy, Happy and Harmonious (3H) World Mission.

  • Global Health Care Mission (Availability and Affordability)
  • Global Happiness Mission (Systems and Strategies)
  • Global Harmonious Missions (Ways and Means).

II. List of Topics for Speaking/ Lecturing on Think Global Mission

1. Adequate World Mission

  1. From Luxurious World to Adequate World (To live and to let live Mission)
  2. Towards food security – Production –Storage ---Packaging –Distribution—Conservation
  3. Towards Drinking Water Security—Solar Desalination—Rain Water Harvesting – Water Recycling – Water Bottling
  4. Towards Affordable Health Care- Home Remedies—Health Insurance –Alternate Medicines—Herbal/Natural Medicines—Wellness routines
  5. Towards Education for all-Online Education –Mooc –Net Certification—Webinar—Virtual Class Rooms
  6. Towards Engagement/Employment for all—Home Industries –Entrepreneurship/Social Entrepreneurship –Global Skill Development
  7. Towards online Entertainment

2. Better World Mission

  1. From UNO to UWO (From United Nations to United World)
  2. In search of www(World Without Wars)
  3. Towards NFW (Nuclear Free World)
  4. Understanding Entrepreneurship –Social Entrepreneurship
  5. Festival of the world (FOW)—celebrating life.
  6. Integral Education for 21st century (iEd21)
  7. Integral MBA for 21st century (iMBA 21) for Business Schools
  8. Promoting Tech 21 – Smart Technology – Sustainable Technology – clean Technology – Green Technology –Future Technology – Integrate Technology
  9. Enter the Digital Era—Smart Era –Space Era—Space Application Era –Space Logistics Era
  10. Towards living in a Green World –Green Homes –Green Food—Green Energy—Green Industries—Green Technologies
  11. Towards Grand Transformation religion to spirituality—Science and spirituality—Society and spirituality
  12. From Knowledge society to Wisdom Society via Spirituality
  13. Words of Wisdom(WoW) from ancient scriptures
  14. From Better Self ------- to Better World
  15. Towards Building A Better You (Baby)/Babu
  16. Towards Bridging the gaps –rich ---, poor , Male ---Female
  17. with policies, protocol programs strategies and tactics.
  18. Towards effective philanthropy
  19. Towards Women's World ----Gender equality –Women's education –Women's Employment—Women's Leadership—Home Enterprises—Soft Governance –Women CEOs
  20. Towards Youth World –Global Challenges and Opportunities
  21. Crafting 3P Society –(Peace –Progress –Prosperity )
  22. Crafting 3H Society (Health –Happiness-Harmony )
  23. Reach out—Non- Violent Society—(to Live and to Let Live)—bringing in Veggie World

3. Corporate World Mission

  1. Global Corporations of Excellence for 21st century-21 Integral Characteristics –(iGC21)
  2. Integral Leadership for 21st Century-21 Integral Characteristics –(iL21)
  3. World Understanding and country wide SWOT analysis –doing business around the world.
  4. Understanding Cross Cultural Communications for Global Business interaction. Doing Business around the world
  5. Towards Global CEO of 21st century – CEO 21 and Global CEO Forum (G-CEF)
  6. Understanding Technology discretions—entering the Digital Corporative Era confidently –e-Governance-- Digital Finance—Digital Marketing – Digital Productions – Industry 4.0—
  7. Towards effective CSR-Corporate Social Responsibility
  8. Towards Social Entrepreneurship for Global Development
  9. Crafting a 3H Corporation (Healthy Happy and Harmonious)
  10. The best practices from global corporations of excellence and best characteristics of Global successful leaders – lessons to learn
  11. Towards mindful management—Heartful and Soulful
  12. Managing------People , Stake holders and share holders, finance investment and expenditure, Markets, Pricing and performance, productivity , digital manufacturing, projects, quality and reliability, branding logistics and supply chain, cross culture communication, social responsibility.

4. Divinity World Mission

  1. Understanding Spirituality – Religion and Spirituality—science and spirituality – society and spirituality
  2. Towards grand transformation from knowledge society to wisdom society—deriving wisdom from past and ancient scriptures
  3. Deriving Wisdom for corporate and personal development from ancient scriptures –Gita . Words of Wisdom (WOW)
  4. Enter the Mind Valley – Mind Matters –Management By Mind Control (MBMC)-Mindful Management –Heartful Management – Soulful Management.
  5. Understanding Wellness—Home remedies –Routine Exercises – Yoga and Meditation – Diet and Nutrition Planning.
  6. Understanding Happiness –reach out 3H personality (Healthy Happy and Harmonious )—from Happy Self to Happy World –Visualize establishing Happiness Institutes
  7. Understanding philanthropy – Mastering the 'art of giving' Survey o f Global Philanthropic foundations, Trusts, Individuals, Institutions and Clubs/ Forums.

5. Education World Mission

  1. Towards Education for 21st century –iED21
  2. Towards MBA for 21st century –iMBA21
  3. Learning the best practices from Global Educational Institutions/Business Schools.
  4. Understanding campus social responsibility and student centered campuses.
  5. Holistic Development via Global Enrichment Centers (GEC)
  6. Building A Better You (BABY )Mission---Development Of Thy Self (DOTS)
  7. Crafting a 3H (Head, Heart, Harmonious Hand) Education
  8. Establishing Unique Global Academies
  9. Better World Academy

    Happy World Academy

    Digital World Academy

    Peace World Academy

    Green World Academy

    Wisdom World Academy

    Feature World Academy

  10. Establishing Universal Development Centers (UDC)
  11. Personal Development Center

    Professional Development Center

    Community Development Center

    City Development Center

    Country Development Center

    Regional Development Center

    Global Development Center

6. Futuristic World Mission

  1. Giga Trends for 21st century (21 Avenues)-GT21
  2. Towards Future Technologies-GT, LT, CT, IT (Green Technology, Logistic Technology, Clean Technology, Integrated Technology)
  3. Towards Future Corporation
  4. Towards Future Campuses
  5. Towards Future Homes ( Smart Green Clean Self Sustainable)
  6. Towards Future Leadership Characteristics
  7. Towards Future Government/Governance
  8. Towards Future Education
  9. Towards Future Health Care
  10. Towards Future Energy
  11. Towards Future Housing
  12. Towards Future Food
  13. Towards Future Jobs
  14. Towards Future Trends

7. Global Understanding Mission

  1. Around the world in 80 minutes
  2. World Understanding
  3. Country wide SWOT Analysis
  4. Understanding the Unique Characteristics of success
  5. The Dubai Way

    The Nordic Way

    The Kerala Way/India Way

    The American Way

    The Japanese Way

    The Chinese Way

    The European Way

    The Oceanic Way

  6. Understanding Global culture – Religion—Festivals –Art—Entertainment-Films-Language –Food ---
  7. Understanding Cross Cultural Communication
  8. Survey of Global Institutions