Think Global Missions

Adequate World Mission

Better World Mission

Corporate World Mission

Divinity World Mission

Educational World Mission

Futuristic World Mission

Global Understanding Mission


In pursuit of developing a Global Mindset and sharing a set of Global Missions to millions of people around the world and to inculcate an awareness to realize and to reach out.


MISSION-A- Global Adequacy Mission (GAM) : Promoting Global Awareness to realize an Adequate World from the contemporary rich/poor world. Conducting Global Survey on tools, techniques and technologies to realize an Adequate World. Carrying out research on effective methods to reach out the adequacy targets.

Mission-B- Global Betterment Mission (GBM) : Promoting Global Betterment through diverse ways and means--- Developing Better World Forums and Better World Missions to reach out a United --- Peaceful --- Prosperous--- Smart--- Cultured--- Sustainable--- and Spiritual World. Establishing Global Happiness Institutes.

MISSION-C- Global Corporate Mission (GCM) : Promoting Global Corporate Education --- Corporate Training--- Corporate Consultancy so as to realize Global Corporations of excellence around the world. Promoting Integral Leadership training, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Social Entrepreneurship and Global Chief Executive Forums.

Mission-D- Global Divinity Mission (GDM) : Promoting secularism and spirituality ---the Divinity of the Self ---Meditation and Mindful management. Facilitating the transformation of Knowledge Society of the Contemporary era to Wisdom Society of future.

MISSION-E- Global Education Mission (GEM) : Promoting Global Education so as to realize a literate--- professional --- knowledgeable and --- wise world. .Propagating Student Centered Campuses----developing Better World Academies, Happy World Academies, Global Enrichment Centers, Universal Development Centers---

Mission-F- Global Futuristic Mission(GFM) : Promoting creative applications of Science and Technology to reach out better comfort and convenience for Humanity. Facilitating High Technology avenues such as Space Technology--- Information Technology/Digital Technology--- Green/Clean/Sustainable Technology --- Agro/Farming/Food Technology--- Pre-Fabricated Housing Technology. Conducting Survey on Global Giga Trends .

Mission-G Global Understanding Mission(GUM) : Promoting Global Understanding—people and places, culture etc----and Cross Cultural Communication. Facilitating Global Tours and Travels ---Creating Travel Videos(Sanchari) and Travel Articles/Columns. Understanding Countrywide SWOT analysis----Undertaking Global Lecture Tours

 Who we are think global international

Founder Message

Think Global International is conceived and crafted with an objective of planting seeds of thoughts on the minds and the deeper depth of the consciousness of millions of people around the world on the ways and means of realizing a better world and a better life for the future generations. It is expected to have a large section of audience especially the national leaders, thought leaders, political stalwarts, corporate CEOs, Corporate executives, entrepreneurs, academic Directors/ Deans, faculties and students, members of the socio economic and cultural organizations, Philanthropic foundations, spiritual gurus/foundations, environmentalists, and the general public. While drafting this message, few vocabularies that flashed across my mind are --- Planetary Patriotism(PP), Global Social Responsibility (GSR)--- Global Mindset(GM)---Mission Driven Goals(MDG)--- Better World Forums(BWF)---Building a Better You (BABY)etc……etc

The Mission objectives as conceived under Think Global International are :-

  1. Developing….. Global Awareness, Global understanding, Global analyzing (SWOT)
  2. Developing Global Mindset…….Global Vision, Mission, Passion….., Global Unity, Global Peace, Global Prosperity, Global Sustainability, Global Culture
  3. Analyzing Global Trends……. For future proofing……
  4. Conceiving and Developing a Better World…… towards a Free World, Happy World, Green World, Smart World, Cultural World, Peaceful World, Prosperous World, Spiritual World, Philanthropic World…….
  5. In pursuit of Global Education, Global Housing, Global Healthcare, Global Food and Water availability, Global Energy…..
  6. Crafting and Developing…….Global Executive…….. Global leader, Global entrepreneur, Global philanthropist……
  7. Conceiving and Developing….. Global Government, Global Corporations, Global Campuses, Global Forums, Global Institutions.

May we invite you to 'Think Global International' website for Global consciousness and inspirational/insightful ideas.

(Founder and President)
Think Global International